
Wow we get a total of 18Wax for the pot I bake it already in an nfts but lost it hahahaha the like is on the .txt file anywhere on my page with password you get in and find the 18WAX nfts as Giveaway

In 24h I will reveal a clue if it’s not cracked!!!

Stay up to date with hashtag #bp0x0 in Twitter and so

#bp0x0giveaway #nft #wax_io #waxp

If you want a Free 5 Minutes Drop of #BP0x0-0 Click here

From Here the Original Post (sorry not White listed

How is it today?

Alot are spend for the Quest-3-Jackpot already!

Have you find the Quest-2- Answer?’$

There is a Riddle out anywhere on the Blockchain… Actually many but these are only from FakeingHeros so discover FakeingHeros Collection NFTs and find the price for the first Quest!

Quest-3-Rise the selled drop ( sorry not whitelisted)

Goes after the fees to zfjaw.wam Check this Account for Quest-3-Jackpot!

Actually 16.15 WAX for Quest-3-Jackpot so Rise the bars and make it bigger.

Maybe you want to sponsor your NFTs have a Retweet with your WAX ADDRESSE and collecton Details!

Great that you are here you can be the 1st One!

Happy Trading FakeingHeros

#NFT #Quest-3- #FakeingHeros #WAX_io

#Giveaway #Riddle #Crypto

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